When Is the Right Time to Begin Home Extension?

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One of the most common obstacles to overcome before making the decision to get a company like Certified Home Extensions around to talk home extension and/or renovation options is timing. ​With the chaos of everyday life, it can be tricky to squeeze a couple of hours in to discuss these things.
Also, the idea of spending many more hours planning, scheduling and coordinating is totally overwhelming, to the point where it might seem easier to just sell and move. Thats where our team comes in.

Certified Home Extensions is set up to look after you right from the point where you are sick of your home, know you need more space and maybe or maybe not have a vision in mind for how you might go about achieving what you need. Its totally okay if all you know is that you would like an extra bedroom, or need to reconfigure your kitchen to improve the flow and storage but don’t know how to go about it. We don’t expect you to have all of the t’s crossed and the i’s dotted.

Whether you have no ideas, a scrapbook full of ideas or a concept model post working through all of the different potential layouts of your home extension or renovation, we can help!

The first step in our process, post a preliminary phone conversation to make sure we are a good fit, is a no obligations consultation at your home, with yourself and your partner. When our company director Alvin or client development manager Emily come to visit, they will talk through the different options with you and make a recommendation for what the best fit for your property, lifestyle and budget are. They see anywhere between 152 – 169 homes a year, so the advice given will also reflect what the current demands in the market are, helping to ensure that your home extension or renovation will boost the value of your property. A win-win for all involved!

Our company director Alvin discussing possibilities with one of our current clients Barb at her and Brent’s home in Swanson

There is also absolutely no pressure to sign up on the spot. Past clients have often apologised for needing weeks and sometimes even months to think things over, do some research and 150% ensure that the home extension or renovation that they are thinking about is the best option for their home. This is totally unnecessary as far as we are concerned, being property & hopeful property owners one day, we completely appreciate that your family home is your biggest asset and that like most good things in life, takes time to think over. Just be prepared for the fact that our superior communication systems and processes carry over into our follow up of clients who are thinking things over, so you can expect to hear from us regularly while you are making a decision.

So to sum it all up, if you are wondering when the right time to begin a home extension or renovation is and/or are feeling a little bit overwhelmed about the possibility, give our team a call. We swear we won’t bite! The worst outcome is that we come to your home and have a detailed conversation about what the different home extension and/or renovation possibilities are. The best outcome is that we get to make the possibilities a reality, within your property, for your family and there is nothing that we love doing more.

​To kickstart the process, Emily is waiting for your call now, on (09) 236 6944 or alternatively you could also send her an email – emily@certifiedhomeextensions.co.nz. However, if that feels like too much of a commitment just yet, hop on over to our Facebook page and see how we are helping others to make their dream home extensions a reality here.

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